You just got the children back to school after a week off.
You let out a huge sigh of relief.
You don’t know how you survived.
Between the freezing cold weather, the children waking up earlier than they would for a normal school day and the constant snacking, you were holding on by the skin of your teeth.
Some may say,
‘What’s the big deal?’,
‘They were only off for a week’,
and to be honest, you can’t really answer that question, because technically they are correct.
To be honest, you probably can’t even pinpoint why you are so exhausted…You don’t even know what happened during the past week, it just felt like one big haze…
You probably became exhausted somewhere between the thousand times they called mummy, the arguments, the climbing on your body or because you were chained to the stove cooking meals.
But, you’re not too sure where it all went wrong.
But regardless, you made it through the week.
We understand what you went through. Children are beautiful little humans, but at times they can be demanding, and if you are alone this half term eventually your energy stores will be drained by these little creatures. Sometimes they will take all your energy, and then you’re just left being a shell of a person.
We just wanted to say well done for surviving the school break.
You deserve all the awards, medals and trophies.
You didn’t think you would get to the end of the week, but you made it. You are basically a super hero now.
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Picture credit: Unsplash, Florian Cordier
Mamo & Mono
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