This article is about focusing as a working mother.

This week we have written a few words about focus.

In this fast-paced moving world, sometimes you can lose yourself in all the noise. You know what you should be focusing on, however, you are pulled in multiple directions and taken off course. You have multiple people giving you well meaning advice and you don’t know whether it is relevant to you are not.

You are overwhelmed by the advice and don’t know whether to take it on board or not.

Sometimes the noise from social media can make you feel inadequate. Sometimes you fall into the trap of thinking that you should have achieved more in your career at this stage of life, or you should have a bigger home, or have more holidays or have more children.

You should not feel forced into doing anything that is not right for you and your family.

And regardless of where you are currently in life know that you are amazing, and you are exactly where you should be. So don’t let others tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing when only you know what is best for your family.

Focus on you and your family first, and everything else comes after this.

So, this Monday, try your best to drown out all the extra noise, and write down what your priorities are.

Work on them bit by bit and don’t worry about what everybody else is doing.

You are on your own path and your own journey.

What works for others will not necessarily work for you and your family. Do not worry about what others are doing. Everyone will always show the best of their lives on social media, however, that may not necessarily be the case behind closed doors, therefore, do not worry about what they are doing.

We know that you are already doing a great job.

Focus on you.

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Picture credit: Unsplash, Bave Pictures

This article is about focusing as a working mother.

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