This article is about mothers feeling themselves again.

After giving birth to your baby, and the shock of the delivery has worn, you suddenly find that you no longer feel like yourself.

Something has shifted in you. And then, as the weeks pass, months pass and even years pass, you realise that you are still not feeling like yourself.

You gave birth, have a beautiful baby and feel like you don’t have the spark that you used to.

When flamingos are raising their young, they can go through a process where they lose their pink colour.

This is very similar to what mothers go through.

Their pink might be their bright cheery personality, or the way they feel wearing clothes, their hair or the way they walked with a spring in their step.

Sometimes, the sheer demands of raising a baby can strip all of that away.

And sometimes, you don’t even know it has happened. Sometimes, you look in the mirror and you can’t even recognise yourself. Sometimes you don’t even know what your pink was, but you know that it has gone.

The very essence of who you were as a person has evaporated.

For some mothers, they may get their pink back faster than others, however, for some it may take years.

If you are one of those mothers who feels like you will never get your pink back, you will. It may not be as quickly as others, but it will come.

What you are doing as a mother for your child is wonderful, and we will continue to applaud you from the sidelines.

You will always be pink in our eyes.

Wishing you a wonderful week.

Mamo & Mono xoxo

Picture Credit: Unsplash, Leon Jl

This article is about mothers feeling themselves again.

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