This article is about International Women’s Day.

Happy International Women’s Day.

This is for all the strong mothers who continue despite feeling like they have nothing more to give. 

This is for all the mothers working and juggling childcare the best way they can. 

This is for all the beautiful mothers who give the best of themselves to their children when they feel like they have nothing left.

This is for all the mothers who feel like they are the only ones going through the challenges of motherhood.

You are so capable and so wonderful.

Some may not see all the invisible work you are carrying, but we see you.

We see the ongoing mental lists, the early mornings, meal planning, night time wake ups, school events, work deadlines, work meetings, trying to get your step count in, all the children’s hobbies you are fitting in and so much more.

On this page and our website you will always shine bright and you are our priority.

We know that we can’t be there for the school drop off, the morning or bedtime routine, but we hope that from visiting this website you realise you are not alone and that you are uplifted from your visit.

So, to all the mothers out there, we see you, we appreciate you and we are in awe of you.

You are magic.

Happy international women’s day to you!

Picture Credit: Unsplash, Joel Muniz

Mamo & Mono xoxo

This article is about International Women’s Day.

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