This article is about working mothers and comparison.

You turn on social media.

And then you see it. That perfectly put together mother, with a perfectly put together home and perfectly dressed children.

Your stomach turns.

Why am I not like that?

Why can’t I be like her?

Why am I struggling so much?

You are overcome with shame, as you are not able to live up to those perfect standards. Your mind is already vulnerable after having a difficult day, and now you feel worse.

You then come off that page, continue to scroll and see that another family you follow is about to go on their third holiday of the year. Yes, you feel pleased for them, you also feel somewhat dejected.

You are barely able to get through the day, you haven’t been on holiday for years and you start to wonder where it all went wrong.

If this is you, then please stop and take a breath. Go ahead and unfollow them if you need to.

Here at Mamo & Mono, we have a few words for you. YOU, YES YOU, ARE AMAZING JUST AS YOU ARE, AND, YOU ARE DOING AN AMAZING JOB.

Social media is simply a highlight reel of people’s lives, and therefore more than often it does not show the full picture.

No one’s life is perfect, but the one you are leading now is perfect for you, and to your children you are their world, and that is all that really matters.

You are on your own journey and it is a beautiful one.

Keep going mama.

You are wonderful.

You are special.

We are clapping for you on the side-lines.

We hope that you enjoyed this article ‘Dear Working Mother. Do not compare yourself to others. You are doing an amazing job’.

We would love to hear your thoughts.

Team Mamo & Mono

Picture credit – Unsplash – Kevin Delvecchio

This article is about working mothers and comparison.

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