To the working mother who feels like she is not enough.
She is told that she must give 100% at work, give 100% to her children, cook, clean, iron, organise, plan, arrange appointments, respond to school and work emails in a prompt manner, take her children for extracurricular activities, attend children’s parties, have the perfect hair and makeup, in addition to wearing the best clothes.
Despite trying her hardest she feels like she is failing at everything. She hasn’t had a full night sleep for years.
She is stretched so thin that she feels like she has nothing left.
She doesn’t even recognise the person staring back at her in the mirror. She’s not sure when this happened, but this is now her reality.
Just know that it is ok to not be able to do everything, and there are some things that will not get done.
It is not possible to do everything. Let that sink in. It is not possible to do everything.
It doesn’t need to be perfect; it doesn’t need to be near perfect, it just needs to be enough. Sometimes there isn’t a plan, and all you can do is take each day as it comes and tackle each task as it comes. And when you can, get some rest along the way. Even though society wants you to do it all, if you are making it to the end of the day and nothing catastrophic has occurred, then that is a successful day.
So, when that someone tells you that you should be everything to everyone, just politely ignore and move forward. As they say the ‘opinions of others are none of your business’.
Keep going. One day at a time, you are doing a phenomenal job. Even if others can’t see it, we see you and know how great you are.
And by the way, you are more than enough.
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