A village is often described as a support network for mothers; and it can come in all shapes and sizes. Every mother will have her own definition. Some may feel that it is help from friends and family on a day to day basis, others may feel that a village is a supportive mums’ WhatsApp group. There may also be mothers who had a village, but moved to a new area, and suddenly lost all the support they had. Furthermore, there may be some who have a village now and then, but the majority of the time they are doing motherhood alone.
Pregnancy, childbirth and welcoming a new child into the world has a huge impact on a woman. Not only does she not feel the same, often she also doesn’t look the same either. Everything she has ever known changed on her journey to becoming a mother. This period of her life can make her feel incredibly vulnerable, and this is often the time when she needs to be surrounded by those she feels most at ease with. There have been may stories of where women have been made to feel less than during this transitional period, and this can form scars that last a lifetime. The mother needs to be looked after just as much as the new baby, and often that is forgotten.
A happy supported mother means a happy healthy baby.
Below is the article ‘An Open Letter to The Working Mother Who Doesn’t have a Village’.
Dear mother,
You hear about this ‘village’ that every mother seems to have, and yet when you look around it is just you. Just you to get them up, dressed, fed and out the door in the morning for school. Just you to entertain a toddler at home and just you looking after a new born at home. Sometimes you are not sure how you survived the day. Sometimes you feel that you are not enough for them, and you don’t have enough energy to get through the week. You want to be the mother who always has the energy to read them a book or play with them. All you can muster is to place them in front of the TV, phone or ipad. You also want to be the mother who makes them fresh meals from scratch every day, however, some days you just don’t have the strength to manage this.
To you mother who has to do it all alone, just do what you can. You can’t be a supermum everyday; even those with all the support cannot be supermums everyday. Be kind to yourself. Regardless of however you feel you are doing, they are still growing in a loving and warm environment. It is not known why this had to be your path to motherhood, however, it can also be your strength. Having to be your own village means that you will become stronger than you ever knew possible. You will and are fully capable of raising a happy, kind, competent and successful adult.
And finally, to the working mother who doesn’t have the village, you may not see it now, but this will transform you into someone more powerful than you could ever imagine.
You will be made of the strongest substance, nothing will faze you, and when times get tough, you won’t crumble, you will push the boundaries further than you have ever been able to. Maybe this path of motherhood was created for you, in order to prepare you to do great things in this world.
We hope that you enjoyed the article ‘An Open Letter to The Working Mother Who Doesn’t have a Village’. We would love to hear your comments.
Mamo & Mono, Editorial Team
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