This article is about simple tips to organise your laundry.

Let’s be honest, your household laundry can make or break you.

In our humble opinion, all future mothers should be warned about this before having children. Pre children you may have had a random chair full of clothes, however, post children there is an entire house full of clothes from bedroom floors to sofas.

Here at Mamo & Mono we know that there is no way to fully rid yourself of laundry, however, we have a few tips which we hope you will find useful.

Below is the Article ‘7 Simple Ways To Organise Your Laundry To Save Time’

1. Declutter

One of the best things you can do to keep the laundry at bay is to declutter, declutter and declutter some more! The fewer clothes you have, then the less laundry you have. Furthermore, the less clothes you have to put away, then the less to organise.

2. A Place For Everything

Another way to manage the laundry is by making sure that all your clothes have a home. So, if possible, a dirty laundry basket for each member of the household. In addition to this, all clothes should have a home, i.e. from a sock drawer to a school uniform section. This means that it is a lot easier to put clothes away once they are dry. Furthermore, for extra organisation, having a system where each drawer is labelled to allow everyone in the house know where their clothes should live. This especially useful in children’s rooms, and will not only help the children keep their room clean, but allow parents to always know where to find certain items of clothing.

3. Wash Clothes Regularly

Doing laundry at least once a day or multiple times a day will allow you to manage your clothes. Of course if you are super organised, or do not own a lot of clothes,  then you could have dedicated laundry days. However, if you have a large family or small children, then, in order to keep on top of the laundry, then it might be a better option for you to wash your clothes daily.

4. Children Can Help

Children, as they grow, can also have a role when it comes to managing the laundry. Depending on the child’s age, they could complete simple tasks such as putting their dirty clothes into their laundry baskets, sorting clothes into darks and lights (when their clothes are due to be washed), in addition to helping carry clothes to the washing machine. Although these tasks are small, they can make a huge difference when managing the laundry.

5. Wash The Most Important Clothes First

Another recommendation we have at Mamo & Mono is to wash the most important clothes first, i.e. school uniform, PE kits and work clothes. This is so that even if you aren’t able to manage to complete all the laundry, at the very least everyone in the house has clean clothes for school and work. A way to be able to implement this would be to start washing the school uniform on Friday after school. By washing them in good time, it would mean that they could be dried in a timely manner and there would be enough time to also iron these clothes before the end of the weekend.

6. Outsourcing

As a mother we cannot do it all. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, then consider outsourcing. This could include getting help with washing clothes or even having them ironed. This would take the pressure off you having to do everything, therefore freeing you to do other things with your day.

7. Declutter (again!)

And finally, our last point on this list is to declutter (again!). This is the single most important step that will reduce the burden of the laundry. By having less clothes, it means less time needed to wash them and therefore getting a few hours back in your day.

We hope that you enjoyed this article ‘7 Simple Tips To Organise Your Laundry To Save Time’. We would love to hear your time saving tips too!

Editorial Team, Mamo & Mono

Picture Credit, Unsplash Ace Maxwell, Dan Gold, Towfiqu, Barbhuiya

This article is about simple tips to organise your laundry.


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