This is article is about quotes to empower working mothers.

For some mothers, working outside the home may be a choice and for others a necessity.

Whichever group you lie in, the process of parenting and working is not an easy one. From the moment your baby is born, you’re battling with sleep deprivation, brain fog, exhaustion and sometimes even a loss of self.

Some mothers may feel lost and wonder whether this will last forever. 

Here at Mamo & Mono, we want to empower you to face your challenges head on, in addition to overcoming them.

Just look at what you have already achieved! You are nothing short of brilliant.

 And, little by little you will continue to do what you once thought was impossible.

Below is the article ’25 Uplifting Quotes to Empower Working Mothers’.

  1. You will climb to new heights. You will develop a stronger voice. You will continue to grow. Believe in yourself.

  1. It may not feel like it, but you are doing well, you are moving in the right direction and you are progressing. You can do it. Keep going.

  1. Never stop believing in what you can achieve as a working mother. Those that doubted you will also be the ones watching in awe. You are amazing.

  1. We see you waking up, getting dressed, smiling, laughing despite struggling on the inside. You continue to show up for your children despite wanting to stay in bed all day. You are strong and brave.

  1. You will move mountains and you will change the world. You are extraordinary.

  1. They thought that your value was reduced after having a baby; however, you’re just getting started. Go and shock them mama!

  1. You slept through your alarm, you didn’t have any milk for breakfast, you were exhausted from being awake three times in the night and yet you still managed to get yourself and children ready for the day and out the door. You are a superhero.

  1. Dear Mama, take this opportunity to congratulate yourself. There were days that you did not think that you could do it and you did. You continued at work despite morning sickness, working whilst heavily pregnant and navigating time off with a sick toddler. It was not easy, but look at how far you have come and how brilliant you are.

  1. Sometimes you might be made to feel like you aren’t good enough at work. Ignore these comments. You are good enough and more. You are doing a fantastic job.

  1. In time you will be older, wiser, stronger, faster and more confident. Sometimes you just need time. You will get there. Believe in your abilities.

  1. Look back at where you were and where you are now. You have already come to far, and you still have so much to offer. You’re sensational.

  1. Motherhood as much as it is beautiful is brutal. The old you has been stripped away, and someone new is created in the process. This transformation is tough, however, on the other side of this there is something more beautiful than you could ever imagine. Keep going, you will get there.
  1. You may feel like you are lost, you may feel like your plans have been derailed, you may feel like you cannot recognise yourself in the mirror. This is all temporary, and you will find yourself again. Trust the process. We believe in you.

  1. To the working mother who feels like she is overwhelmed. If you need to take a break, take it. If you need to look after yourself, then do it. Looking after yourself means that you will be a better mother to your children.

  1. When you are having a bad day at work, just remember, that they love you so much and they love you regardless of whether you were there for bedtime or not.

  1. Dear working Mama, you determine your own destiny. You may have failed along your journey, but despite this you continue to pick yourself up and carry on. You should be so proud of yourself.

  1. We understand that the brain fog is still going strong, however, one day you will be able to think clearly. Give it time.

  1. You’re constantly trying to balance it all but feel like you are failing. You aren’t failing. The system was designed for you to struggle. But, you can do it, you are strong enough to overcome this.

  1. Ignore the opinions of others. They do not walk in your shoes, and they do not know what you are going through on a day to day basis. Do what is right for you as a mother.

  1. That confident, vivacious, bubbly girl is still there under the surface. One day she will make an appearance again. Keep going.

  1. Dear working mother, missing that one assembly does not make you less of a mother. You are still a wonderful mother.

  1. Be patient with yourself. You are still a work in progress. You will get there in your own time.

  1. Do not compare yourself to other people’s journeys. You are unique and have your own path.  

  1. Continue to dream and aim for the stars. You can still have career aspirations and be a wonderful mother.

  1. Dear working mama, all the challenges will be worth it. From all the difficulties, something beautiful will blossom. Continue to be proud of yourself.

Thank you for reading this article ‘25 Uplifting Quotes to Empower Working Mothers’.

What did you think of our quotes? Did you find them empowering? We would love to hear your thoughts below.

Editorial Team, Mamo & Mono

Picture credit Unsplash, Sixteen Miles Out, Freestocks, Janine Joles

This is article is about quotes to empower working mothers.


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