This article is about positive self-affirmations to boost your child’s confidence at the start of the school year.

Starting school is such a huge milestone.

For some, it can be an exciting, for others an anxious time, and then there are those who might have a mix of all emotions. Even though you want to be by their side the whole, you know that you can’t. Therefore, as much as possible, you want to provide them with positive words (so that they can fall back onto these during the school day).

Your child’s childhood sets them up for who they are going to be in life, so as parents our job is to keep pouring as many encouraging words and beautiful memories into them to last a lifetime.

Children are human beings who are beautiful and magical.

They believe they can do and be anything. As a parent it is our job to be there to guide, support and believe in them too. We are there to love them unconditionally.

In addition, we are there to let them know that they are more than enough and are and will always be special.

Below is the article ‘Positive Self-Affirmations to Boost Your Child’s Confidence at the Start of the School Year’.

  1. I can achieve my dreams. The world is my oyster, and I can do anything that I set my mind to.

  1. I am good enough just as I am. I am special just as I am. I do not need to be anyone other than myself.

  1. I love who I am. I love everything about me. I am happy with myself.

  1. Regardless of what anyone says I know that I am good enough. I can ignore any negatives comments that come my way.

  1. I will always have the support and love of my family. If I ever need anyone to talk to, I know that my family will be there for me.

  1. I was placed on this earth to be great. I know that I can achieve even my wildest dreams, I do not need to hold myself back.

  1. I matter as a person. Even if others say that I do not, I will not believe them. I matter now, I mattered in the past and I will always matter.

  1. I am fearless. I will not let anyone stop me from working towards the things I want to achieve in this life.

  1. I will sometimes make mistakes, and that is ok. I am only human. I will use these mistakes to grow and learn.

  1. I will always try my hardest at school. It does not matter if I do not get the highest marks, what matters more is that I have tried my best.

  1. I will forgive those who have hurt me and have a patient heart.

  1. I will always aim to be patient with others even when I find it challenging.

  1. I am beautiful. I love the body that I have been blessed with.
  1. I am handsome. I am thankful for my body and I will look after it.

  1. I am thankful for such a wonderful loving family and a safe home to live in.

  1. I am thankful and happy to have a sibling (or siblings) in my life.

  1. I am caring, and I will continue to be kind to my friends as I grow up.

  1. I am thankful for all my wonderful friends. I cherish them all.

  1. I believe in myself.

  1. I know that I am special and unique.

  1. I will always try my best.

  1. The differences I have from others are what make me unique and special. I am grateful for my differences.

  1. I have many wonderful talents and gifts that I will use to the best of my abilities

  1. I am thankful for all the opportunities that school has provided me with.

Positive self-talk is so necessary in helping to boost your child’s confidence. Our aim as parents is to raise humans who are sure of themselves, resilient and strong. We hope that all the children starting back at school flourish throughout the school year. And, remember mama, you are doing an amazing job.

Many thanks for reading the article ‘Positive Self-Affirmations to Boost Your Child’s Confidence at the Start of the School Year’. We hope that you enjoyed this article, and we would love to read your comments below.

Editorial Team, Mamo & Mono

Picture Credit: Unsplash – Oleg-Illarionov, Estudio-bloom and Mieke-Campbell

This article is about positive self-affirmations to boost your child’s confidence at the start of the school year.


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